Hi, I'm Vee

At some point in time I bet you’ve been asked “what is your favourite…”, right? Well, here are my top 5 favourites:
- People: my husband & kids
- Place: Kelowna BC (great memories)
- Food: pizza & burgers (so hard to choose between them)
- Colour: yellow (although I don’t wear it much, ha!)
- Things to do: workout (NML is awesome!), sing, read
Now it’s your turn! Tell me more about yourself and how I can help.
I started learning about what a complete life is during my 12 months postpartum with my first son back in 2019. I felt lost in the identity of being a mom, wife, and soon-to-be Family physician; I felt separated from God but desired to reconnect; and I believed there was more to life than marriage, raising kids, and working – I just didn’t know how to live that life!
So I uprooted old belief systems and replaced them with Biblical Truth. I let go of outdated definitions of what a full & free life is, rediscovered my identity in Christ, and did the hard work of intentionally growing in my relationship with God.
I am living life fully & freely (not perfectly but one day I’ll get there!) and I’m on God’s mission to help you do the same! How?
By teaching you what (really Who) “life” is and how to live a full & free – complete – life in Christ Jesus.
“… I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10, NKJV)

Vee helps women figure out what it means to live as they’re meant to, confident in who they are and Whose they are – in line with the Biblical Christian worldview.
Hang out with Vee